International Investing
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Smart Investing

Why Banking Everything On US Stocks Is The Biggest Risk Now

Imagine this: You live in a village in the Arctic. You need more firewood for the winter ahead. You have bought several cords of wood from different suppliers. You stored them beneath the roof of an open-walled shelter.

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Smart investing

Smart Investing

Are You Confused By So Many Investment Choices?


Feeling lost in a sea of investment options? You're not alone! Navigating through 7000+ stocks and 9000+ ETFs can be overwhelming, just like having too many choices in life. Discover why fewer options might actually make you a better investor.

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Smart Investing

Is It Wise To Begin Investing With Stocks At An All-Time High?

While conventional wisdom tells us investors should buy when prices are low and sell when they are high, the reality is very different. In fact, history shows markets tend to keep rising, even after hitting all-time highs.

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Investing Ideas


Investing Ideas

The beauty business: more than just looks

Showing growth of about 5% per year, the global beauty industry dazzles investors with its stunning consistency. But this linear growth conceals several revolutions under way in the sector.

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Investing Ideas

Asia: Eldorado for beauty brands

The entire beauty industry has its eyes set on Asia. The continent is both a source of inspiration, with South Korea, and a rapidly expanding market, especially in China and India.

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Wealth building

Wealth Building

Preventing Above-Average Salaries From Building Walls Instead of Bridges

If nobody could see our high-status things, would we still buy them? Without realizing it, projecting wealth often builds walls, not bridges.

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Wealth Building

Do Children Help To Improve Your Wealth?

A survey of international educators finds that despite the additional costs associated with raising children, teachers with kids tend to save more for retirement than teachers with no kids.

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Why This European Retirement Destination Is A Longstanding Favourite

Worried that you might not have enough money for a great retirement? Savor the sweet taste of retirement (and a low cost of living) in this picturesque location.…

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Retiring To Spain? Spanish Capital Gains Taxes Might Be Lower Than You Think

It’s tough not to love Spain. It has mountains and beaches, great food... Spain’s cost of living is even lower than Portugal’s. And the World Health Organization says it has a great medical system.But I can hear your protests now. “What about the taxes?”

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